The Namibian Police Force (NamPol) in the Omaheke Region is investigating a matter in which a human skull was discovered in Aminuis by a farmer on Tuesday.
According to Omaheke police community affairs Inspector Fina Sakajengenga, the farmer found the skull in the grazing area of Springwater, Aminuis and notified the police.
Also found on the scene besides the skull without a lower jaw, were seven human bones scattered all over the area, worn out black shorts, an old blue T-shirt, and a pair of size four ‘Play Boy’ shoes. Sakajengenga added that the shoes were lying some distance apart from each other and had no laces.
She said the shoe laces were found tied and hanging from a tree.
‘The deceased is unknown at this stage. Information at hand is that Aminuis does not have a pending missing person report,’ Sakajengenga added.
Source: The Namibia Press Agency